NRLA links with Checkatrade to find best tradespeople for landlords
The National Residential Landlords Association has agreed a new partnership with home improvement platform Checkatrade.
The tie-up means NRLA members can sign up for Landlord Services by Checkatrade, a team that seeks out the best matched tradespeople for repair, maintenance and upgrades for landlords’ rental homes.
NRLA members can register for a preferential first year offer and there is no subscription fee for the initial three months after signing up. For the remaining nine months, NRLA members who have registered with Checkatrade pay a preferential £2.99 + VAT per property per month. That’s a saving of 75% on the normal subscription.
Landlord Services by Checkatrade coordinates quotes and service appointments on behalf of landlords.NRLA chief executive Ben Beadle says: “Checkatrade is a business which believes in helping good landlords to deliver high quality accommodation to their tenants. Read the full article > Landlord Today