Checkout/End-of-Tenancy Reports

Equally as important as the Inventory & Condition Report; an independent and impartial Check-out/End-of-Tenancy Report is key in proving at the end of a tenancy any damages and cleanliness issues caused by the outgoing Tenant(s).

We will inspect the Property when the Tenant(s) have vacated, when all their personal belongings have been removed and they are in a position to hand-over the keys (so they won’t require access back into the Property). Using the original Inventory & Building Condition report produced at the start of the tenancy, we will go through each entry and make comparisons, allowing for wear and tear, then making an ultimate comment and/or recommendation.

There are three β€˜overview’ comments used beside each entry:

β€˜There are no additional comments.β€˜
This means there are no significant changes or issues to an entry, by comparison to the original Inventory & Building Condition Report.
β€˜Damages match those on original Inventory Report, or Fair Wear & Tear’
This means, although there are damages or issues to an entry, by comparison to the original Inventory & Building Condition Report; they are of a similar nature or they are deemed to be fair wear and tear.
β€˜Damages as noted below’
This means that damages or issues are present to an entry and by comparison to the original Inventory & Building Condition; they are not deemed to be fair wear and tear and as such, damages or cleanliness issues are apportioned to the outgoing Tenant(s).

β€˜Damages as noted below’:

This comment beside an entry (for example ceiling, walls, carpet etc) will be followed by an in-depth description of why this has been recorded and a comparison provided to the original Inventory & Building Condition Report. We then use our β€˜Common Costs Guidance’ system to provide a compensatory, replacement or cleaning cost beside each issue, giving the reading a sub-total for each room and a total compensatory amount for the whole property.

“Very professional service, with great reports and easy to use booking system…”

“We were impressed by the product.”

“… reliable, approachable, professional and precisely accurate…”

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