Top rental sector boss backs new government homes plan
The government says untapped land near commuter transport hubs will be unlocked to build new housing.
Many of the homes will be for the rental sector – and the UK’s largest landlord, Grainger, has welcomed the proposal.
Ahead of Chancellor Rachel Reeves’ speech on Wednesday on economic growth, the government has reiterated its target of 1.5m new homes over five years and says it will make “150 decisions on major infrastructure projects by the end of the Parliament.”
The government will ensure that when developers submit an application for acceptable types of schemes in key areas – such as in high-potential locations near commuter transport hubs – that the default answer to development is ‘yes’.A government says: “This will unlock more housing at a greater density in areas central to local communities, boosting the government’s number one mission to grow the economy. These measures will transform communities, with more shops and homes nearer to the transport hubs that working people rely on day in day out.”
The government statement once again talks of attempts to “streamline decisions on critical infrastructure projects” and “slashing red tape in the planning system” and “turning the page on the decline and decay of the past.” Read the full article at Letting Agent Today